You don't always have to fight for something. You can fight about anything. Every woman has started that fight because she love her men! Well, we know that sounds even weirder when spelt out loud than what it did in our minds But, it is true! Women have no specific causes behind picking fights. It is something that is in-built in their systems and is harmless. Our nagging switch sometimes cannot be switched off, but that is only because we care for you. Getting weirder?
Well, to make men understand the real cause behind it, we thought of getting you guys the real hilarious reasons why women love to fight so much, but deep down inside in they hearts they love you so much!

1. Because women need her voice to be heard

Because of your annoying habit of selective hearing and mostly ignoring pretty much every important issue we have to discuss, we are left with no choice than to pick up fights to let our problems and voices be heard. And that my friend is just justification!

2. Because women know men always right, but don’t want to admit it

Sometimes they know are just stretching things just to save thereselves from the embarrassment of being wrong again! emm i think, most of the times! So, fighting is a good way to beat around the bush and avoid accepting women's fault.

3. Because men are very forgiving

Women know that come what may, at the end of it all, you will always forgive them whether it is your fault or there. It is therefore this generous nature of yours that compels they to start arguments. No seriously!

4. Because if things keep going so well, mean something wrong is bound to happen

5. Because women just want to test his patience for fun

What is a relationship without some leg pulling right? So basically, women only fight to test your patience. Seriously, making a mountain out of a mole hill is never our agenda. Ever! We swear! Like seriously!

6. Because women are sometimes just too bored

Life sometimes can get way too monotonous and boring. It is therefore our duty to bring back some heat and spice into it, and thus, the fights. Now what is life without some drama right?

7. Because making up after a fight is most great thing ever

So, the next time men crib and blame women for being too judgmental and fight pickers, don’t forget to thank women for telling you the reasons. And guys, don’t forget to tell women how this have helped you!

MOST 7 Reasons Why Women Pick Fights With Men!

You don't always have to fight for something. You can fight about anything. Every woman has started that fight because she love her men! Well, we know that sounds even weirder when spelt out loud than what it did in our minds But, it is true! Women have no specific causes behind picking fights. It is something that is in-built in their systems and is harmless. Our nagging switch sometimes cannot be switched off, but that is only because we care for you. Getting weirder?
Well, to make men understand the real cause behind it, we thought of getting you guys the real hilarious reasons why women love to fight so much, but deep down inside in they hearts they love you so much!

1. Because women need her voice to be heard

Because of your annoying habit of selective hearing and mostly ignoring pretty much every important issue we have to discuss, we are left with no choice than to pick up fights to let our problems and voices be heard. And that my friend is just justification!

2. Because women know men always right, but don’t want to admit it

Sometimes they know are just stretching things just to save thereselves from the embarrassment of being wrong again! emm i think, most of the times! So, fighting is a good way to beat around the bush and avoid accepting women's fault.

3. Because men are very forgiving

Women know that come what may, at the end of it all, you will always forgive them whether it is your fault or there. It is therefore this generous nature of yours that compels they to start arguments. No seriously!

4. Because if things keep going so well, mean something wrong is bound to happen

5. Because women just want to test his patience for fun

What is a relationship without some leg pulling right? So basically, women only fight to test your patience. Seriously, making a mountain out of a mole hill is never our agenda. Ever! We swear! Like seriously!

6. Because women are sometimes just too bored

Life sometimes can get way too monotonous and boring. It is therefore our duty to bring back some heat and spice into it, and thus, the fights. Now what is life without some drama right?

7. Because making up after a fight is most great thing ever

So, the next time men crib and blame women for being too judgmental and fight pickers, don’t forget to thank women for telling you the reasons. And guys, don’t forget to tell women how this have helped you!

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